Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine

It's hard to believe that it has already almost been four months since I moved to Los Angeles. Most days I am in disbelief that such an amazing place exists. But there are days where the transition from one coast to the other that are difficult. I came across the Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine awhile back and finally made the visit a few days ago. Stepping onto the grounds I felt like I left LA and entered a whole new world of tranquility and beauty. Spending my Saturday morning at the Lake Shrine was exactly what I needed since I was having one of those days where I missed home and felt disconnected. Walking through the breathtaking grounds I was able to take a step back and appreciate where I am in life. Being far from the familiar can get scary yet it is so exciting when there is so much to discover. I'm filled with gratitude that I have been able to be exposed to a place where positive energy is abundant and the view is always spectacular. 

Emily Vishnevetsky